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  • How does NABO maintain its non-partisan stance?

    Statutory basis:

    Article 2 (2) and Article 4 (2) of the National Assembly Budget Office Act require a non-partisan stance of NABO

    Institutional means:

    The Assistant Chiefs at a review session for NABO's analyses and reports assess the impartiality and objectivity elements of its reports and also emphasizes NABO's nonpartisan stance during a job orientation session for the new hires and in job performance evaluations as well. 

  • Do NABO staffers work full time?

    Yes, Regular NABO staffers work a full-time schedule, however, people can be hired on a daily basis to assist professional staffs with research.

  • Do NABO staffers have the same benefits including medical insurance or retirement pension as a government employee?

    Yes. The NABO staff consists of career civil servants for administrative positions and professionals in the analysis and research areas are given the government employees pension plan, and the national health insurance coverage upon their appointment.
    As a result, they will receive the pension annuity or lump sum payment at retirement, and benefits from the National Health Insurance while in active service.

  • What recruiting process does NABO use ?

    We publish a recruitment announcement:
    The recruitment announcement is posted on the websites of the National Assembly, NABO, principal universities, and related research institutes as well as in major newspapers. Also NABO sends out announcement to individuals and academia specializing in budget and economics via e-mails to secure the best candidates for NABO positions

    Documents review and interview process:
    A recruiting process is divided into two steps for the purpose of fair and transparent selection. The first step is examining their application documents and those who meet the document requirements move on for an interview by a selection committee comprised of eminent scholars and National Assembly high officials. Successful candidates are hired merely based on competence and fitness for the positions with no relevance given to their political affiliation.


    Candidates for professional positions should have:

    1. A Ph.D. or equivalent education;
    2. Considerable expertise in their field;
    3. A recognized research and publication record.

  • How many employees does NABO have?

    NABO is an agency of 138 employees. Well over half of its staff have MA or above degrees in economics, and public policy, or a wide variety of other disciplines.

  • How does information technology (IT) serve NABO's work?

    IT has become an integral part of managing resources. NABO has the Planning & Management Department which administers IT services. One of the initiatives was the creation of a NABO intranet Knowledge Management System (KMS). The goal of this system is to make it possible to significantly reduce the time and effort required to publish reports by providing information collected and sorted electronically from the relevant authorities. It also enables the staffs to post and make information or background knowledge acquired through their research and analyses available for the entire staff.